Sacramento California Pest Control

Tick Control & Treatment

Ticks are one of the most efficient of all insects at spreading disease making them one of the most dangerous pests to have in your house. It's why professional service is always recommended to rid your home and property of this blood-sucking parasites.

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Tick. Tock.

It's important to handle tick problems as fast as possible. They are one of the top vector (disease spreading insects) in the United States. They are responsible for everything from Lyme's Disease to Tick Paralysis, a phenomenon that can cause numbness and tingling throughout your body. Typically, the symptoms of this paralysis will subside after removing the tick from your body, however, severe cases of it can make it hard to breathe and even cause death.

Tick Info

Ticks Spread Bacteria & Disease

The range of diseases that ticks can spread is among the most diverse and dangerous of all insects. They can be found in virtually all areas of California and their close proximity to people and their pets puts you at a higher risk than you think. They are found predominantly in wooded or grassy areas but their numbers are growing in urban areas and beaches.

Ticks Bite

They don't just bite. They latch on to you and burrow themselves into your body. This is what makes them so effective at spreading disease. Caught early enough, ticks can usually be removed from the skin fairly easily. Left unchecked, they can require medical supervision to remove. In either case, the possibility of spreading disease is possible.

Get A FREE Tick Inspection.

Tick treatments can often require a multi-step process to be most effective. Learn what we do and how we do it.

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