Sacramento California Pest Control

Flea Control & Treatment

Stop scratching now!

If you have a flea problem, you need to have it looked into immediately. Fleas can cause an incredible amount of harm to every living thing in your home: your family, pets and guests are all at risk from uncomfortable itching and the spread of infectious and dangerous disease. Even if you just think you have a flea problem, call us now so we can stop it if you do.

If You Need Help NOW: Click or Call 916.282.1822

Fleas Bite

Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. They are equal opportunity eaters, so whether they feed off a rat, a chicken or a person makes no difference to them. It's this indiscriminate behavior that makes them so dangerous, carrying and spreading disease between hosts among their feeding frenzy. This is why it is so important to address flea issues as soon as you can.

Flea Info

Fleas Spread Bacteria & Disease

Few insects pose the biological threat that fleas do. This point can not be overstated. Because they can easily jump from host to host and acclimate readily to most environments, their bites can quickly spread bacteria and disease incredibly quickly and efficiently.

Fleas Bite

By now, you know biting is how fleas feed, and it's this biting that is the root of the danger they pose. At its most basic level, flea bites are annoying, causing itching, redness and general discomfort. This can quickly go to another level as itching can lead to open sores and secondary infection.

Fleas Are Everywhere

Fleas are just about as adept at traveling as bed bugs, easily jumping between hosts and locations. But once they find a place they like, they'll stay and breed. From the park, to your dog, to your furniture, once in your home, they won't leave unless you get rid of them. That's where we come in.

Suck It Up

Regular vacuuming is one of the best things you can do to combat fleas in your home. It's not a replacement for the correct, effective and professional pest control, but it's a great help. The heat from the vacuum kills fleas on contact and helps control their population.

Get A FREE Flea Inspection.

Once again, if you have, or even suspect you have fleas, call us today. Quickly identifying your problem and implementing the right course of action is essential to getting rid of fleas and protecting your family, pets and friends.

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