Sacramento Pest Control

Fly Treatment & Extermination

Flies are dirty, disgusting, germ spreading insects whose habit of feeding on decaying food, garbage and feces makes them just about the dirtiest insect around. Add to this that they seem to be just about everywhere and touch everything, and it's easy to see why they are one of the most proficient bugs at spreading diseases. It's the reason correctly applied fly treatment is necessary to help keep them under control in and around your house.

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One Week Is All It Takes

The common housefly only lives about a week, but in that time, one female can lay more than 500 eggs. When's the last time you only saw one fly at a time? So imagine how many eggs and new flies can invade your home in just one week. More concerning is the health hazards that come with them.

Fly Info

Flies Spread Bacteria

The spread of bacteria is the number one thing you need to be concerned with when dealing with flies. Anthrax, cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, typhoid, food poisoning and stomach ulcers; flies bring all these and more to the party. It is especially important to not eat food that flies have landed on. Why? Consider this: house flies have no teeth so they eat their food by regurgitating on it, liquefying it, then sucking it back up. Chew on that.

Flies Bite

Ok, house flies don't bite, but many other types do. And although they aren't legendary "biters" like fleas, bed bugs and mosquitoes, they are no less dangerous. Remember that whole bacteria thing?

Get A FREE Fly Inspection.

Since flies can breed and spread disease so quickly, getting rid of them as soon as possible is important. We will assess your fly problem and implement an effective strategy to get rid of them.

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