Sacramento California Pest Control

Gophers, Moles & Voles Treatment & Control

Gophers, moles & voles. All of these animals can be found digging for food in your backyard and each one of them can leave it in ruins. Whether it's because they're eating fruits and veggies from your yard, destroying underground roots that nourish and support your garden, or by eating insects that are beneficial to your soil, this trio of tunnellers can wreck your garden. And then some.

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Tunnels To Trouble

All three of these animals tunnel their way through your yard looking for food. In terms of sheer size, gopher holes are the most damaging followed by moles, then voles. But the damage they can do isn't limited to the size of their tunnels, and it's not always easy to tell which animal is your problem just by looking at the tunnel types. For example, while gophers will literally yank your garden goodies below ground to eat them, moles often destroy the bugs that help aerate your soil. And voles, due to their size, can often travel undetected or incognito because they can use tunnels created by the others to get where they're going.

Mole & Vole

Moles & Voles Can Destroy Your Garden

You already know gophers, moles & voles can wreak havoc on your fresh veggies and herbs, but that's just the beginning. Their digging and foraging can ruin just about any plant you have in your yard, from radishes to rose bush's; weakened ground can tank your topiary as well.

They Can Cause Structural Damage

None of these animals directly attack your home, but the network of tunnels they create can weaken your home's foundation. This can happen due to a lack of support because the holes in the dirt can cause water seepage which can permeate the block or concrete around your home and lead to cracks and flooding.

They Bite

Gophers are extremely territorial and will defend "their" claim when threatened. This is mainly true when it comes to other gophers, but we do not recommend confronting them directly.

Get A Gopher, Mole & Vole Inspection.

From identifying their tunnels to evaluating the damage, we will inspect your property for tell tale gopher, mole or vole activity, then give you a direct plan of action to rid your home of them.

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