Sacramento California Pest Control

Spider Control & Treatment

The most alarming thing about dealing with spiders in your home, is their appearance. And that's understandable, because few other insects have the shear look of intimidation that spiders do. But spiders pack more than a fearsome look; usually harmless, under the right circumstances, they can deliver bites that need professional medical treatment. Their activity can also aggravate allergies.

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Your House Is Their House

Spiders are not typically invasive insects. In other words, outside spiders tend to stay outside while house spiders tend to stay inside. In fact, most house spiders have developed as houses and housing developments have grown. You might be even more surprised to know that spiders like the storied Black Widow, are among the varieties of house spiders you are likely to find in and around your house.

Spider Info

Spiders Bite

Spiders are not usually aggressive and as such, are not quick to bite. In North America, only two common house spiders do this: the Black Widow & Brown Recluse. Both of these can deliver nasty bites that can be anything from simply painful to causing skin necrosis, headaches, anxiety, muscle cramping, nausea, sweating and more.

Spiders Can Trigger Allergies

Because spiders do their best to stay away from people, they are not associated with spreading bacteria and disease. An infestation of them in your home however, can cause allergic reactions in people who might be sensitive to the shedding, dust and discarded insect debris spiders can cause.

Spiders Are Excellent Hunters

Spiders can actually be helpful in your home when it comes to controlling the population of other insects. Born hunters, they prey and feed on pests like roaches, which in turn, can help make our job easier.

Get A FREE Spider Inspection.

Spiders can actually be beneficial to have around the house, but it's still good to know what you're dealing with so you can avoid potential conflicts and problems.

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